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While dealing with the daily, routine, personal, or even the socio-political-economic problems, it seems difficult to tackle the global challenges. Every second, all forms of life are struggling to survive in this world and forcing anybody into being concerned about future becomes hard, especially when no one really has time for that. Any vital threat is mostly linked with financial means for existence; and when you ask someone to just think globally - the mind does not forgive being pulled out of the comfort zone!


How should each one of us react to the planetary pollution? While each one of us constantly contribute to this pollution since the day we are born... It is almost impossible to pay decent attention to this no matter how well we are aware! We still rely on others or hope for heavenly forces, and we still continue doing the same over and over, because it is in our habit... In the meantime, the result, with the size of more than half a million square kilometers, is peacefully floating there, where life generally had originated on this planet.


So, allow me to present the Plastic Fish - an example of how interesting could be the mankind's another attempt of suicide, our future ecosystem or the dreams that are yet to be seen.

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